Furina Keycaps Set Genshin Impact keycaps Set(Pre order)
Furina Keycaps Set Genshin Impact keycaps Set(Pre order)
사전 판매 정보
사전 판매 정보
당사의 모든 예약 판매는 전액 예약 판매이며, 귀하가 지불하는 금액이 전액입니다. 우리의 주문은 그룹이 형성된 직후 생산을 위해 공장에 연락되며 일반적으로 생산주기는 영업일 기준 20일 이상입니다. 생산이 완료되면 고객에게 배송되며 배송 시간은 약 10-15일입니다.
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키캡 재질 정보
시장에서 가장 일반적인 재료는 ABS와 PBT입니다. 우리는 PBT 재료를 사용하고 완전한 5면 열 승화 기술을 사용하여 색상이 손실되지 않습니다.
예상 배송 기간은 2개월, 보통 한 달 반입니다. (현재 공동 구매 중이며, 단체 가입 후 20일 이내에 제작됩니다. 따라서 상품 수령까지 한달 반 정도 소요됩니다.) 최소 시작 수량 미달 시 주문이 취소되며, 공동구매 참여 금액은 환불됩니다...
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Furina Keycaps Genshin Impact Keycaps from aihey studio
Note: A new batch of Furina keycaps are in production with an estimated shipment date of March!
Number of Furina Keycaps: 140 keys
Furina Keycap Set Material: PBT Dye-Sublimation
Furina Keycap Set Profile: Cherry
Thickness: 1.7mm
Light transmittance: No
Compatible: Works with Cherry MX switches and MX-style switches
This keycap set is compatible with 104-key full-size, 87-key (TKL), 96-key compact full-size, 75% (84-key), 65% (68-key), 60% (61-key), split keyboards, and 1800 layouts.
designed by @aihey studio
A Genshin Impact fan-made merchandise.
Note: Thanks to your support and pre-orders, we've decided to produce Furina mouse pads/Deskmats! (40*90cm)
This is the third revision for the design of the keycaps featuring the Genshin Impact character Furina, and it should be the final version. Furina's left side is designed with a light color theme representing Hydro, while the right side features a dark color theme representing Geo. The characters on the keycaps are designed in a handwritten French style.
Here is an explanation of the detailed icon inspirations:
ESC key: The symbol of the Hydro Archon, a balanced scale representing justice.
Tab key: The final scene of "Daughter of Water."
Left Shift key: Fontaine icon.
R4: Entwined fate, Original Resin, Furina, the Jellyfish Raising a Glass, Furina summoning three small creatures with her first skill.
R3: Furina character card cake element.
R2: The small shell of the summoning creature, a crab.
R1 left side: On the Ctrl key, Furina's hairstyle always reminds us of a jellyfish, so we created a simplified jellyfish version of Furina. The Win key is for switching between Geo and Hydro, and the Alt key features the Hydro skill icon.
R1 right side: Featuring the Geo skill, Geo and Hydro switching, the Eye of God, and Furina in jellyfish form leaning on an elegant cane.
Space key: The Space key is truly beautiful. If the response to Furina Keycap is positive, we may create a mouse pad with our design as the base image. The scene is inspired by the PV drama "In the Play," which exists between reality and falsehood. We extracted Furina's dynamic image and re-drew it.
Right Shift key: The brilliance of a specialized weapon in still water flow.
Enter key: The city of Mondstadt submerged, the Hydro Archon sitting on the throne weeping in profile.
Vertical Enter key: A scene from "Daughter of Water" metaphorically representing Furina's own story.
Some other things:
We've created exclusive artisan keycaps for Furina.
Want to buy a Furina desk mat separately?
All our keyboards are English keyboard layout, please choose carefully.